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Author Topic: VAR  (Read 435048 times)

Offline john2710

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« Reply #585 on: October 19, 2019, 08:22:47 PM »
It's not VAR, it's the dickheads interpretation of it that's at fault. Given the general level of incompetence with refereeing we shouldn't be surprised.

I think Wesley's elbow touches the keepers jaw, but it's pathetic to say it caused the keeper to flap at the ball.

Who was in charge of the VAR today,  Kevin Friend?

Offline Legion

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« Reply #586 on: October 19, 2019, 08:23:51 PM »
Martin Atkinson, I think.

Offline OCD

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« Reply #587 on: October 19, 2019, 08:24:12 PM »
I’ve never been so keen to see a kick-off.

Offline brontebilly

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« Reply #588 on: October 19, 2019, 08:26:40 PM »
VAR should only be used for binary decisions such as was the player offside or was the ball over the line. Subjective decisions should be left to the match official. It has totally damaged the dynamic of the game and let's the match referee abdicate responsibility. Hate it.

Offline SoccerHQ

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« Reply #589 on: October 19, 2019, 08:29:10 PM »
I don’t think VAR is the problem, it’s the way it’s being applied. It really does need to be stopped for the rest of the season while thought is given as to how make best use of it. For me, the ref needs to be able to access a monitor at the side of the pitch when concern is raised.

Well the monitors are there ready to be used but directive is disencouraging refs from doing it for whatever reason.

Offline SoccerHQ

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« Reply #590 on: October 19, 2019, 08:30:53 PM »
VAR should only be used for binary decisions such as was the player offside or was the ball over the line. Subjective decisions should be left to the match official. It has totally damaged the dynamic of the game and let's the match referee abdicate responsibility. Hate it.

It should be used for penalty incidents but they can't even get that right either, Man. City were denied a blatant one tonight yet Liverpool get that joke one in the last round. All because the ref either gave it or didn't so he must be supported at all costs.

Offline garyellis

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« Reply #591 on: October 19, 2019, 08:35:35 PM »
VAR should only be used for binary decisions such as was the player offside or was the ball over the line. Subjective decisions should be left to the match official. It has totally damaged the dynamic of the game and let's the match referee abdicate responsibility. Hate it.
[I agree with this in principle. I thought the objective of VAR would be similar to introducing goal line technology which I think most of us agree has been a good thing. It is absolutely changing the dynamic of the players and the crowd and not in a good way.]

Offline nigel

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« Reply #592 on: October 19, 2019, 08:42:09 PM »
You only have to look at the players reactions.

Vrs Crystal Palace not one defender appealed for a Jack dive or against the goal. Cahill was holding his shin which proved there was contact on Jack.

Vrs Brighton, again, not one person appealed for a foul. The fact the keeper didn’t is enough for me.

How on earth var operator came to those two conclusions is beyond me.

I thought it might help, but, for me it’s becoming a massive hindrance, too much too soon.

I’m with bronte, use for offside and ball over line decisions, when they’ve got the hang of that put a bit more in.

Offline Ad@m

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« Reply #593 on: October 19, 2019, 08:46:30 PM »
It’s a giant fun sponge, sucking all the joy out of celebrating goals. Scrap it.


It's ruining the game. Not being able to celebrate a goal anymore is about as bad as it gets.

I agree with everyone on here that is not technology that's the problem, it's the abysmal way it's being used. They're genuinely going to start putting people off watching football. If you can't celebrate a goal, what's the fucking point?

Offline LeeB

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« Reply #594 on: October 19, 2019, 08:48:40 PM »
VAR should only be used for binary decisions such as was the player offside or was the ball over the line. Subjective decisions should be left to the match official. It has totally damaged the dynamic of the game and let's the match referee abdicate responsibility. Hate it.

Absolutely spot on.

It’s bad enough having one shit ref, today we had two.

Offline Brassneck

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« Reply #595 on: October 19, 2019, 08:50:01 PM »
I've had enough of it now.  I want to shoot somebody, preferably Kevin Friend but anyone making a decision against us would do.

As mentioned above, there are just as many contentious decisions as there were previously.  It has solved nothing.

Sometimes, they argue that they can see why the ref made a decision and they go along with it (regardless of whether it is the correct decision) and then other times (like today) they overrule the ref.

Another nail in the coffin for the paying customer as far as I'm concerned.  I won't put up with this shit for long and many around me were saying the same thing.

Offline Abbeyfealeavfc

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« Reply #596 on: October 19, 2019, 08:55:37 PM »
VAR is sh€t and is ruining the game for the paying supporter in real time and we always seem to get sh€t refs.

Offline Clampy

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« Reply #597 on: October 19, 2019, 08:57:36 PM »
I went for a piss just after i thought we'd we'd scored and heard loads of 'fuck var' mutterings so I had a feeling something was up. Not seen it back since but I didn't see a great deal wrong with it at the time. I hate it.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2019, 09:06:02 PM by Clampy »

Offline paul_e

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« Reply #598 on: October 19, 2019, 09:05:25 PM »
It's the God-awful 'experts' analysing the VAR that's the problem not the system itself. They should mirror the rugby set-up and also allow us to hear the conversations between the ref and the visually- and hemispherically -challenged twats in Stockley Park.

This is it for me, get the ref and TV official on comms and broadcast it in the ground and on TV, once we can hear what they're unhappy about it at least gives us something to watch for.

Offline PeterWithesShin

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« Reply #599 on: October 19, 2019, 09:17:38 PM »
I could accept it ruling out our goal if it was getting pretty much every decision right but for example the amount of, what to me at least, have been blatant penalties that haven't been given this season makes it a farce.


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