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Author Topic: VAR  (Read 434891 times)

Offline Lastfootstamper

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« Reply #75 on: July 03, 2019, 11:12:45 PM »
It's a made up game, with made up rules. Beyond either physically supporting a club, or playing the game which is the primary point because it's blummin fun, I don't see why anyone else is entitled to give a shit and/or be entitled to decide what counts and what doesn't.

Offline dave.woodhall

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« Reply #76 on: July 03, 2019, 11:13:03 PM »
I'd rather take football as a warts and all sport than the slick, user-friendly game show it's becoming.

Online Gareth

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« Reply #77 on: July 03, 2019, 11:13:38 PM »
I don’t mind it for the factual decisions ie goal line & offside - what I don’t like is the 20 slow motion replays making nothing incidents look like something - with the ear piece in opens itself to collision / corruption also etc.

Would prefer the authorities looked at the officials more - need younger, fitter referees who can get about the pitch better, the two guys with the flags need to be involved more, VAR means they will hardly give offsides now & in most cases the refs are giving the throw ins.  Give the refs assistance not make it harder.

IMHO the game would be improved immeasurably by getting rid of half the tv cameras/angles/slow motion replays - controversy and talking points feed the media and so much of it centres on decisions - much easier soundbite to bitch about a ref than slaughter an old team mate for missing a sitter or missing a tackle

Offline AsTallAsLions

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« Reply #78 on: July 03, 2019, 11:22:20 PM »
It's a made up game, with made up rules. Beyond either physically supporting a club, or playing the game which is the primary point because it's blummin fun, I don't see why anyone else is entitled to give a shit and/or be entitled to decide what counts and what doesn't.

So no referee at all then. Got it.

While we're at it, let's get rid of the FA and the Football League. Go grassroots. God, thinking about it now, don't you really miss the old lead balls that used to give defenders and strikers brain damage. Those were the good old days. Back to jumpers for goalposts and four up front. Who needs industry and innovation destroying the game.

Offline Ads

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« Reply #79 on: July 03, 2019, 11:31:15 PM »
When I said before I was in favour of VAR, what I meant was, as long as it benefits us to the detriment of anybody we play.

Online Brend'Watkins

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« Reply #80 on: July 03, 2019, 11:46:39 PM »
Imagine if it was around 10 years ago. Liverpool would have spent a few seasons finishing in the bottom half of the table and Gerrard’s cheating antics would have been fruitless. Well, maybe not the first bit.

In addition to the fairness it will bring we might also see Jack win a few more spot kicks.

Offline Lastfootstamper

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« Reply #81 on: July 03, 2019, 11:53:43 PM »
It's a made up game, with made up rules. Beyond either physically supporting a club, or playing the game which is the primary point because it's blummin fun, I don't see why anyone else is entitled to give a shit and/or be entitled to decide what counts and what doesn't.

So no referee at all then. Got it.

While we're at it, let's get rid of the FA and the Football League. Go grassroots. God, thinking about it now, don't you really miss the old lead balls that used to give defenders and strikers brain damage. Those were the good old days. Back to jumpers for goalposts and four up front. Who needs industry and innovation destroying the game.

Yeah, because that's exactly what I said.

Online Sexual Ealing

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« Reply #82 on: July 04, 2019, 12:00:46 AM »
As it stands, the way it is being used at the moment is wrong in many ways. We all want the correct decisions but the way it is being applied takes too long and makes the game too clinical. If you are going to introduce new technology then you also have to update the rules accordingly rather than apply to rules suitable for human error.

As an example, the way marginal offside decisions are being applied now is completely wrong IMO but the rules and application could easily be improved as follows:
I can see the point of VAR, but they need to change offside so that any part of the attacking player being onside means that they're onside. People will stop turning up if the game is littered with such anticlimaxes.

I agree with KRS.

Offline sid1964

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« Reply #83 on: July 04, 2019, 06:43:31 AM »
VAR for me will take all the joy of celebrating a goal out of the game, we will have to wait 5 mins to see if the goal has been given! - no more scrambles in the penalty area trying to put the ball over the line etc...

I think that games will be lower scoring, because there will be more reasons to disallow a goal rather than give the goal.

Offline simboy

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« Reply #84 on: July 04, 2019, 07:00:38 AM »
I'm for it if used properly.

You are either offside or you are not. Simple as. If that can be eradicated then good.

This comes about partly because Lineker, Shearer, Neville et al can use the technology and can say it was not within the rules of the game. Why shouldn't we as fans expect that in real time rather than our view confirmed by some pompous overpaid ex pro 3 hours after the game?

The problem I see is the delay. That will improve. It should also be shown on the big screen of the ground and not treat us all like dummies


Offline chrisw1

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« Reply #85 on: July 04, 2019, 08:48:12 AM »
It works brilliantly in rugby and I don’t see why it can’t in football with a few sensible adjustments.

Online Chris Smith

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« Reply #86 on: July 04, 2019, 09:07:05 AM »
It works brilliantly in rugby and I don’t see why it can’t in football with a few sensible adjustments.

Rugby, like cricket, has more natural stoppages than football so it is less intrusive. Plus all those fat blokes that play it are glad of the rest. ;-)

Perhaps the answer is to trial it in a less high profile environment to work out how to make it slicker.

Offline Virgil Caine

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« Reply #87 on: July 04, 2019, 09:09:16 AM »
Personally I would only use VAR for offsides. It is an impossible rule for Referee Assistants to be able to check the line of defence and when the ball is kicked. At best this can only be done with peripheral vision so will always have an element of human error.
Like a few of us here I have refereed and run the line at junior matches and it is a thankless job, I would like to think that all referees in the British game oversee the games fairly and although every team will have decisions against them it tends to even out over the season.

Offline CJ

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« Reply #88 on: July 04, 2019, 09:10:22 AM »
It's a no from me. Sanitises the game and pretty much takes away all the talking points/post match pub debates.

Offline cheltenhamlion

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« Reply #89 on: July 04, 2019, 09:27:52 AM »
I would like the VAR people to be responsible for the decision rather than kicking it back to the ref. If you are going to use it to evidence a foul, a penalty, offside or whatever then they should tell the ref the decision rather than "have a look on the telly by the pitch" for a week.


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