Welcome to Guess The Crowd for the 2022/23 season!
Hello again, all, it’s that time of the year again.
Your teams are back from their summer tours of dodgy nightclubs, Vegas, exotic beaches, surfing and fast food franchises, looking perhaps a shade less keen to run around the cones than you had hoped.
You may need to break out the beeps, to show you mean business.
You may have a coach that you haven’t a clue what exactly it is that they do. Get them to check the players’ lockers for beer and knock it back while you send the team on the Commonwealth Triathlon course around Sutton Park. While your squad is getting fit, why not review the rules for playing Guess The Crowd?
If you're new to this:
The idea in every round is to guess what you think the official attendance figure will be, for that match. I post the total attendance that AVFC releases to the BBC at the end of the Guess thread and award points according to how close you are to the total.
Guess The Crowd 🥧 is played for every home game and all home Cup games.
The usual rules apply:
These are:
1. One guess only in a round, per team.
Accidentally posting a second guess will not get you more points as only your first guess is counted.
2. No editing of your post.
Editing means you get only 1 point that round.
3. You must post your guess before Kick Off.
What could you get?
11 Points for a Brucie Bonus - This is awarded for a spot- on dead accurate guess, usually early on in the week - check the BB interval in my launch post of the round to win this. ;)
10 For a spot- on accurate guess posted after the BB interval.
9 For a guess up to 10 away from the official attendance total.
And then...
8. For a guess up to 50 away
7. For a guess up to 100 away
6. For a guess up to 200 away
5. For a guess up to 300 away
4. For a guess up to 400 away
3. For a guess up to 500 away
2. For a guess up to 1000 away
1. For entering that round! :)
This season we are continuing the Golden Goals Bonus!, now known as Emery’s Extras!
Whatever the Villa goal tally is, the teams getting that number of points in that round get DOUBLE POINTS!
Other info if you have or haven’t played before.
Villa Park’s capacity is currently 42, 657 according to the FA Handbook for 2022/23.
GTC rounds are posted before a home league match and a home Cup match.
Check the launch post for the time of kick off.
If a team has not posted a guess in 5 consecutive League GTC rounds the team will be moved with their points so far, straight to Division 5. Guessing again will revive the team to Division 4!
Once there's a space in any Division, the top ranking team in the Division below is promoted immediately to fill it.
You can join in on any round in the season. Keep your team active and you’ll get promoted as soon as possible.
It’s never too late to Guess The Crowd!
And so...
...it's time to launch the first Guess thread of this season!
Look for, 'GTC 1 VILLA v Everton Saturday 13th August’ in Heroes Discussion later this evening.
The very best of luck to us all. It’s our year for a Cup and here’s to a fabulous finish well in the top half of the Premier League for our own, shared, wonderful and infinitely brilliant team, Aston Villa!
It’s a bit earlier than tomorrow, but I’m on a roll, so here are the updated current Divisions!
Play Guess The Crowd!!! Up The Villa!
Division 1 after Dirty Leeds, Leicester and Arsenal!
Team. Last. GTC11. GTC12. GTC13
JD. 101. 104. 112. 118 😎
Axl Rose. 92. 99. 105. 111
maidstonevillain 90. 94. 103. 111
mjlions. 83. 92. 100. 108
Fasth56. 88. 93. 99. 105
TelfordVilla. 88. 92. 98. 105
Lastfootstamper. 88. 89. 97. 105
Skerra. 89. 93. 99. 104
simboy. 88. 88. 95. 103
Towser 78. 86. 93. 100
RudyCan’tFail. 74. 79. 87. 95
sid1964. 84. 85. 90. 95
Ironmaidenmania 79. 83. 87. 94
Louzie0. 86. 87. 93. 93
Legion. 75. 76. 77. 85
frank. 66. 72. 78. 86
jimmygreen. 49. 54. 58. 67
littleoldme. 50. 54 58. 58
London Villan. 42. 43. 49. 56
beness. 36. 40. 44. 50
Rotterdam 82. 35. 38. 38. 46
West Derby Villan. 40. 40. 40. 40
JD is hanging on to the lead! Top of the League! 😎🍹
Axl Rose and maidstonevillain are challenging for the Champs League 🥂 with mjlions, Fasth56 and TelfordVilla & Lastfootstamper ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ hard on their heels. What a fantastic finish we have shaping up for this season! 👀👏👍🥧😃🌟⚽️🍸
Stand by for Division 2