A very big THANK YOU, to all of those who have made donations over the past couple of weeks, and have been waiting patiently to become a Golden Muppet.
You now should all be able to see the Golden Muppet forum.
There have been a couple of donations which we cannot match to users, kindly PM Martin if you cannot see the GM forum.
New user as of 15 minutes ago.Just made donation. Keep up the good work lads.
Hi Martin just gave a little Xmas contibution, Cheers Peter.
i'm on holiday and my muppet status has disapeared.
i take it i just need to pay again and not been expelled ?
Donated last night after forgetting to for the last few months!A donation has been received, but it does not match your email registered here, and it's far to small to be from you! ;)
O.K I've updated my email address if not my generosity!Thank you kindly sir!
Can I ask when i'm due again please?
I donated over a week ago. I have not been given GM status. What did I do wrong? :(
I donated over a week ago. I have not been given GM status. What did I do wrong? :(
Did you use paypal? If so what email address did you use?
Yes. highasakai@yahoo.co.uk
Thank you for reply,i usually come to ground past the park on trinity road,will talk to whoever is there at next home game.Thank you again for your help much appreciated.
donated a few mins ago via paypal.Thank You
Made a PayPal donation at 7 this evening.Thanks
Ah GM. Must do that.
No need, I've already seen the shit from certain posters in there.
And you'll recall that my profile was completely deleted - unbenknownst to me and certainly unrequested by me, and Martin Morris sadly couldn't trace which Mod had done it - in the summer of 2010. I have visited the site only once since then, in an effort to give support to a poster who'd fallen on similar hard times. I do hope you're not suggesting I've broken the site rules?
And you'll recall that my profile was completely deleted - unbenknownst to me and certainly unrequested by me, and Martin Morris sadly couldn't trace which Mod had done it - in the summer of 2010. I have visited the site only once since then, in an effort to give support to a poster who'd fallen on similar hard times. I do hope you're not suggesting I've broken the site rules?
You seem aware of GM posts, I was simply asking how when you are not a GM. If it has been 2 years certain posters might not be saying the same shit as you put it. I was not suggesting anything about rules at all. Not sure tracing which mod deleted an account would have achieved much, and as a mod, I am not even aware such action is even possible. Banning yes, editing posts, erasing accounts completely.. not a clue.
And you'll recall that my profile was completely deleted - unbenknownst to me and certainly unrequested by me, and Martin Morris sadly couldn't trace which Mod had done it - in the summer of 2010. I have visited the site only once since then, in an effort to give support to a poster who'd fallen on similar hard times. I do hope you're not suggesting I've broken the site rules?
You seem aware of GM posts, I was simply asking how when you are not a GM. If it has been 2 years certain posters might not be saying the same shit as you put it. I was not suggesting anything about rules at all. Not sure tracing which mod deleted an account would have achieved much, and as a mod, I am not even aware such action is even possible. Banning yes, editing posts, erasing accounts completely.. not a clue.
Mods can't delete accounts. Only admins.
Sorry yes, admins, you are correct gentlemen.
Ozzjim I have close friends who have chosen NOT to shit on me through some very tough times, who've brought certain posts that certainly are "shit" to my attention. I trust we can draw a line under this discussion now and move on?
Oh and where did I mention "tracing mods"? I didn't.
I can only assume you came across my 'IanB is a ponce' thread.What about my IanB is a gimp thread?
I apologise for it, very crass of me.
I can only assume you came across my 'IanB is a ponce' thread.What about my IanB is a gimp thread?
I apologise for it, very crass of me.
Am I due for renewal Martin?
Nothing rec'd as yet.
Nothing rec'd as yet.
Strange - it was confirmed by PayPal sent 02/05 at 10.44pm.I will check properly when I get home tonight.
When am I allowed back in upstairs? I feel left out
When am I allowed back in upstairs? I feel left out
Did I? Thought I did it through PayPal like normal.
What on earth is an e-cheque??!! :)
Oh i see. Well see you all in a week then.. That should give you plenty of time to take the trash talking down... Or not :)
Thanks for clearing that up Martin.
Greetings from ROBBO in Oz payment sent by paypal on Sunday so stop talking about me.
just donated but forgot to put my user name.......
Renewal donation sent.
Martin, just donated, forgot all about it until my Muppet status disappeared!Yes me too! Have just donated as well
Hi Martin
Renewal sent
Martin, just donated, forgot all about it until my Muppet status disappeared!Yes me too! Have just donated as well
Cheers Martin.
Hello Martin
Donation sent today via PayPal
Another year another Euro... Via PayPal.
Thanks for your efforts on behalf of this site!
Donation sent via PayPal
Just donated Martin - cheers!
Just got the email, H&V has been integral to my support of the Villa since I joined this forum around 2005. Chipped in a bit, thanks for everything!
Look - it took me 4 whole minutes to earn that!
Me too.
Me too.
Oh crap. There goes the neighbourhood.
Me too.
Oh crap. There goes the neighbourhood.
I wouldn't worry, looks like Martin has done a Jay Forsyth with the dosh! 😉😆
I'm sorry I'm well overdue.
I can't see a link. Am I being thick?
I'm sorry I'm well overdue.
I can't see a link. Am I being thick?
I am, found it thanks.
I didn't realise i was overdue! Sorry - have just sent my donation through.
Please can you post the donation link again.
I think that my AdBlocker hides the main one and the link in the reminder email doesn't work for me
Just paid my debt to society.
Just paid my debt to society.
NO! It's on me. Remember?
Milk!Bluenose tears.
Just renewed with 2 days to spare
Martin I donated but I see my Muppet insignia has gone. If my money went missing please let me know and I will send it again.Brian. Last donation l can see was 02.06.2019.
Hi Martin
I received the reminder for Golden Muppet, it said it would renew automatic, is that not correct as I seem to have lost the exulted status?
It should go something like this...
> Donate
> Enter Amount
> Donate with Debit or Credit Card
> Enter Your Details
> at bottom where it says 'Save your info and create a PayPal account' Click the tick to the right and it turns that off, then
> Donate Now
Hi Martin,
Just renewed mine a couple of minutes ago. Apologies for the long lapse since the last one and thanks as always for all your hard work.
Hi Martin,
Just renewed mine a couple of minutes ago. Apologies for the long lapse since the last one and thanks as always for all your hard work.
Hello you beautiful man! :D
Hiya. Just got around to renewing - sorry it's taken so long. Hope you can find it okay as I didn't put any reference or username on.Yes, thanks
Hi Martin,
I've been trying to renew but with no success - PayPal keep rejecting my attempts at sending you the money; assume your email address is the same at a certain warm mailing account? Is there another way of doing it? Bank Transfer?
All best,
I have made a donation to Martin but the message is that I am not allow to access the site when I try to confirm my user name to him.
Just sent yearly donation. Do we get a reminder when the year runs out ?